Targeted Movement for Massage Therapists

By THERA-SSAGE (other events)

Sat, Aug 1 2015 8:30 AM EDT Sun, Aug 2 2015 6:00 PM EDT

The Targeted Movement™ seminar teaches you a method of neuromuscular re-education that re-trains the neuromuscular system, activates muscles that are not functioning well, and creates postural balance through targeted lengthening of shortened muscles. The movements are actively performed by the client, can be performed on a draped body, and incorporated easily into your session. The seminar is an overview of the entire Practical Movement™ curriculum.

Learn how the movements:

• Release: Quickly soften muscles in your sessions with less effort

• Retrain: Address dysfunctional movement patterns and postural imbalances

• Reinforce: Provide further lengthening after your hands-on work or suggest as client education

In two days packed with information, demonstrations and trades, and a detailed student guide, the seminar is designed so you can begin adding this work to your sessions immediately. The movements are easy to use and easy on you. Find out how you can get your clients moving again. For a demonstration from the seminar, take a look at this video.

Topics Covered

Overview of Practical Movement: How and why it works.
How to best incorporate the movements into your practice to release muscles, retrain the neuromuscular system, reinforce your hands-on work, and restore functional movement.
Strategies for addressing common issues:

o Adhesive capsulitis and other shoulder disorders
o Elbow, forearm, hand and wrist disorders
o Spinal and postural imbalances including rib rotation
o Plantar fasciitis
o Low back pain and hip pain
o An anatomical/structural imbalance in the pelvis (from the Postural Assessment seminar and is not movement based).

When to use each movement, how the movements impact the musculature, and how to teach them to your clients.
When movement re-education (Practical Movement) is used instead of stretching and how to convert any stretch into a Practical Movement.