Releasing the Rotator Cuff: A Massage Therapy Perspective

By THERA-SSAGE (other events)

Sat, Aug 8 2015 9:00 AM EDT Sun, Aug 9 2015 4:00 PM EDT

This seminar offers you the tools to give your clients complete freedom from shoulder pain.  Learn about rotator cuff injuries, how to release the affected muscles and prevention of future injuries. Experience the power of this technique for yourself, practice the skills in class and be confident you can immediately implement this technique in your practice. This course is a must for any therapist interested in helping their clients attain an injury-free state.  Manual therapists are at high risk for rotator cuff/shoulder injuries.  You will use this information for the rest of your career!

The shoulder complex is the most freely moveable part of our body.  Because of this wonderful range of movement, it is highly susceptible to injury and dysfunction.  Virtually all of our clients have experienced shoulder pain and injury.  Rotator cuff injuries are becoming more and more common, especially in this age of “computer shoulders.” People with rotator cuff/shoulder dysfunctions and injuries suffer constant pain, interrupted sleep, and loss of range of motion.  A detailed understanding of the shoulder complex and the skills to precisely release the affected muscles are of the utmost importance to bring our clients to a pain free state.

What You Will Learn

Examine the anatomy of the rotator cuff
Identify the anatomy of the shoulder complex, including the 7 supporting muscles
Describe the common causes of rotator cuff injuries
Explain how the scapulo-humeral rhythm affects the rotator cuff
Discuss strategies to prevent rotator cuff/shoulder injuries (yours and your client’s!)
Identify how to precisely palpate the rotator cuff muscles
Discover effective strategies for releasing the rotator cuff muscles
Demonstrate stretches and simple strengthening movements for the rotator cuff